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After the Virus (Solo Option)


The zombie apocalypse is here!

After The Virus is a cooperative deck builder in which you and your friends band together to survive and complete different missions.

The 15 included missions form a storyline if played in sequence, but don’t expect to survive that easily because the zombies will attack you in ever increasing numbers!

Your deck is invaded by more zombies each time it is reshuffled, so you need to search the area deck for useful weapons and other things to help you.

Some stuff can be added to your deck while others will stay in your play area, and still other things will be usable only once in the game.

To manage your deck and play area well is critical if you are to complete the mission before you are overwhelmed by the zombies!


How to Solo After the Virus

After the Virus Video Review


A selection of files from BoardGameGeek. Links will open in a new window or tab.

After the Virus English Rules

The official rulebook of the first edition.

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After The Virus Calvin and Hobbes Retheme

4-Card Letter size gutterfold format by Rachel Bruner, based on the 1.1 version.

>> Click to download PDF <<

Calvin and Hobbes rethemed rules and missions

Game rules (solitaire only) and missions rewritten to match the Calvin & Hobbes retheme by Wil Su at

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After the Virus Deck List

After the Virus deck list in case your 3 decks get mixed up!

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