Take a stroll along the beach. Feel your toes digging into the sand.
Discover a world of beautiful objects just waiting to be found.
Whether you’re picking up driftwood for your sculptures or sea glass for earrings, let Mother Nature be your muse as you follow the tides.
Tides is a game about collecting items from a beach.
The goal is to score as many points as you can by making the most interesting sets of items.
The tide is always changing; you never know what you’ll find on the beach!
Take cards from the row during LOW TIDE to collect items from the beach.
During HIGH TIDE, flip the double-sided cards; the back side has scoring conditions.
Score a set in either LOW or HIGH TIDE, by combining items you collected with a scoring card.
Solo Playthrough and Mini Review | Tides
How to Play Tides, by Button Shy
A selection of files from BoardGameGeek. Links will open in a new window or tab.
Official rules (Button Shy)
Official rules (Button Shy)
(provided by publisher)
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Tides Score Tracker
Updated layout that is gutterfold-friendly.
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